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What is the price of aluminum?

Overview. Interactive Chart. Aluminum Price is at a current level of 1643.81, up from 1568.57 last month and down from 1796.99 one year ago. This is a change of 4.80% from last month and -8.52% from one year ago. Category: Industrial Metals.

How much is aluminium worth in July?

On 31 July, aluminium was worth USD 2,245 per metric ton, up 6.4% month on month. Prices averaged lower in July relative to June but trended up during the month. Demand conditions remained bleak, as signaled by contractionary manufacturing PMI data for the Eurozone, the U.S. and China.

How much does the Illuminarium cost?

With space travel remaining expensive for the majority of the population, the Illuminarium offers guests a chance to experience space for only $39. The Las Vegas Illuminarium was recently opened in mid-2022 at the adventure-packed Area15 and features daily tickets to virtual space odysseys.

How much does lumineux cost?

It’s $50 per one-month supply whitening kit, or $38.25 per kit if you subscribe & save (you can cancel anytime) You can use the code DWELLBYMICHELLE15 to get 15% off your Lumineux purchase ( only applies for one-time purchases, subscriptions not included) What is Lumineux? Lumineux Oral Essentials is a natural oral care brand.

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